Niko Partanen
2016-07-27 19:08:43 UTC
Hi! I was searching some time but couldn't find information about this
topic, so I decided to ask here. If the question already has an answer
somewhere, please just point me to that! So I was wondering if there is
a way to open a PDF with Skim from Terminal so that the page from which
I want it open could be specified in the command.
This may be a random question, but being able to do this would fit my
workflow very nicely!
Thank you!
topic, so I decided to ask here. If the question already has an answer
somewhere, please just point me to that! So I was wondering if there is
a way to open a PDF with Skim from Terminal so that the page from which
I want it open could be specified in the command.
This may be a random question, but being able to do this would fit my
workflow very nicely!
Thank you!