[Skim-app-users] More on Skim.app page jump
Chirok Han
2017-01-01 13:11:12 UTC

I would like to report more on the way Skim.app (1.4.25 (99)) behaves when refreshing (sync).

1. If Skim.app is showing a multi-page pdf and the page divider happens to be below the middle of the view window, then refreshing preserves the position.

2. If the page divider is above the middle of the window, then refreshing makes the page jump to the top of the next page. For example, if the top 25% of the view shows page 6 and the bottom 75% of the view shows page 7 (see the illustration below) and I refresh the pdf file, then Skim.app jumps to the top of page 7.


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+-------------------------------------------+  <- Page divider

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Thank you.

